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One second later Rick held a four-foot long gleaming silver blade in his hand. As Alice reached to touch it, Rick jerked it back while yelping, "No Dear, don't! This thing will take your finger off like a whisper. I nearly lost my thumb the first night I had it. Think of it as a 'Monomolecular' Diamond blade and you'll be close to how sharp it really is. This is the blade of Prince Elnore and he asked me to carry it a while. But truthfully, Stan and I just think of it as, 'The Abominable. Stacy was 29 years old, 5’4” and weighed 125 pounds, and was also very attractive. She didn’t fit the definition of a classic beauty, but was instead one of those sassy and sexy women that you see around who are pretty, in a teasing and seductive way. Her tussled dish-water blonde hair framed that lovely face and those piercing green eyes just perfectly. I know that she was the talk of the men in the office, and most of them likely thought that I had no right to be married to such a sexy. She saw his Hawaiian shirt, blue-jean shorts, and simple white tennis shoes. “You’re cutting it kind of close, ain’t ya?” the scared woman joked.“Well, the guys chasing you are already here, and they are still looking for you. At least I got to you first.”Just then, the door opened, and one of the black-suited thugs entered the restroom with a disgusting grin. He ordered Sarah to come with him. He did not see Tim on the other side of the wall.Tim suddenly jumped on top of the thug, gaining a. I started to laugh. This was crazy. Showing some k** my tits. I pulled the right side of my bikini top down for a moment, just to give him a quick look. He howled in protest. "Is that… I didn't even see it. That was too quick. Vicky, that's not fair."I laughed. His outrage was so real and yet asking me to show him my tits was the real outrage. "I did say a quick look." "Oh, Vicky, that's just not fair."He was so upset for a moment I thought he was going to cry. He was so funny. This whole thing.
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