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My mouth is kissing her neck with slowly increasing passion, nipping the skin between my teeth, covering her with soft love bites along her shoulder, neck and ear. My fingers can feel her stiff nipples through her bra and they, almost desperately, try to pinch and grip them. She feels my hands suddenly move to the clasp and instantly it loosens, allowing two perfect orbs to fall free. Both my hands rush to hold them and I stand behind her gripping and kneading them, squeezing them together,. Copyright 2004 **** "Mary Cahill," said someone behind me. When I turned around, a fist slammedinto my stomach. Air exited my lungs with a whoosh. I grabbed my gut and bentdouble. My mind was so focused on the pain and trying to breathe I didn't registerhands grabbing me under my armpits and dragging me across the pavement. Ina couple of blinks, I was thrown into the back seat of a black sedan that spedout of the parking lot of the Trump Marina Casino. "Watch it asshole, you made me spill. Lana then asked have you ever put anything up his ass? Jane replied no she had not. Goddess Lana said put this on. Lana then said ok slave come over here and suck it. I did as I was told then Lana said get on your hands and knees and put you butt in the air. Lana then said Jane you are going to take his cherry ass. Lana put a big glob of lube on fake cock and then took a lit of lube and spread it on my ass hole. Lana said ok Jane slowly put it inside him. Jane slowly fucked my ass and I could. “Oh, yes, oh yes, oh,” escapes her lips.Her body trembles as shocks run through her whole body from this wonderful assault of her. Never could she have imagined this would make her feel so alive, so on fire. Her back arches as she clenches doubly on Donald and howls out her pleasure.Donald, so close to the cusp himself, feeling her so powerfully against him, thrusts in and out over her faster and harder until he too cums. He feels his sperm against his cock inside the condom and this gives.
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