Pooja H mp4

Colonel Maggie looked at her watch and said, “Good, the Corporal will be here with our lunch soon.”About ten minutes later the Corporal showed up with three MREs. He began my apologizing, “Sorry, I tried to do everything Banzai did but they didn’t turn out the same.”Colonel Maggie said, “Don’t worry son, anything is better than what that so called cook made today.”The Corporal said, “Yes Sir, some of the Marines were already puking in the garbage cans.”He handed out the MREs, I took a taste and. I have an athletic body and I look smart ;)Coming to the sex story, this incidence has happened a week before when I was returning back from Pune to Mumbai. Usually, while coming back, if anyone wanna come back to Mumbai very fast they prefer to take sharing cabs which we can get it from Pune station, as you reach there you will have 10 members asking for you if you wanna go to Mumbai in sharing cabs.So, I randomly chose where they already have 3 members ready to go and only 1 member was left. He then moves up and slides his dick back into my pussy. GOD he’s hard! He lays on top of me his full weight between my legs. He’s definitely a grown man now! He grabs my wrists and holds my arms above my head. The feeling that he’s completely in control is so erotic! How many times is he going to make me cum?! He fucks me missionary slow and deep. I spread my legs as wide as I can allowing his dick to reach deep. He starts to pound me hard again. We fuck for what seems like 15-20. I inhaled deeply, breathing in my sister’s sweet musk. My eyes squeezed shut as I enjoyed it. Fresh used panties! The striped cloth was still warm.I smeared the cloth against my lips as my right hand shot between my thighs. I spread my legs, my fingers running through my bush, finding my wet folds. I moaned into her panties as I rubbed myself. My fingers stroked up and down my pussy, pleasure rushing through me. My toes curled as my juices coated my digits.“Ooh, you smell so good,” I moaned..
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