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Elsa would surely die, too, but she intended, as was her nature, to get one last orgiastic thrill out of life before she did.Vlad was amazed that, as exhausted as he was, he could still be aroused under these circumstances, even though he'd never been able to resist this siren of a wife he had. He entered her hot womb, still standing and pressing her against the wall with his hardness. As he did, he could hear her speaking to herself in the common tongue of the Romans – Aramaic.Elsa was. Or your cheek... or nose. You laughed in frustration; I just smiled like an ornery little boy. You wanted to taste me, my cock still throbbing and hanging heavy from moments before when we exploded with fervor. I teasingly moved forward and rested my cock on top of your head and you gently licked my balls like an ice cream cone, savoring the sea salt that had settled there. My cock, aroused from all the sensations filling me, became engorged like I had never experienced before. You knew. He inhaled deep and continued to work his magic. Within a few minutes, I was close to a nutt. He put two fingers inside of me and worked them in and out at an incredibly fast pace. I gasped for air while he suckled my clit and rolled one of my hard ass nipples between his fingers. I slightly lifted my bottom of the stool and lowered it down again.“Moan for me!” he commanded.I did more than moan for him. I screamed – as I came in his mouth. Maurice sucked up all of my juices as they oozed. Relaxing in Gene's world mean going from one perversion to another, sliding open the basement door the light quickly lit up the set of stairs descending down into the hidden basement once down the stairs 3 scared girls can be seen chained to the ball by the wrist's ankles and neck, Gene looks to the 3 scared girls "While my dinner is cooking I though we could have some fun" he said as the girls started to tremble and cry.Picking up a cat'o'nine Gene began to whip the closest mass of naked.
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