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These women had a fantasy about fucking Santa and I was the target. I drove into the East San Jose hills to Amy’s home. It was a nice home overlooking Silicon Valley. We got out of the car and entered the home. Amy and Lisa took off their shoes and their outer clothes. Amy turned to me and said, “We live in a clothing optional home. Lisa and I are usually the only people here so we walk around nude or in underwear. You don’t mind do you?” I watched Amy strip followed by Lisa. They had. She cried out as another orgasm hit; cried out in her helpless, vulnerable state. He was about to fill her fertile womb and there was nothing she could do about it.She was still sobbing five minutes later, as she lay there, still chained; still with his hardness inside her as it released its final droplets of sperm. But these tears were not because of pain, these were highly emotional sobs. Laura knew that at that moment she had conceived. She felt fulfilled.Laura never said anything to Jason.. It had to be one of the coolest pools Jay and Nikki had ever seen. ‘Oh yeah, I’m getting in,’ Jay said hopping in the fancy pool,’Get in Nikki! The waters awesome, mostly cause I’m in it but..,’ ‘I’ll be right in babe, hold on, I just have to take of this lingerie,’ she said taking off her panties and see through top,’Ok, I’m going in, move out of the way,’ At that Nikki jumped in the water right in front of Jay, she felt like a kid again. ‘Oh, this water is amazing,’ she said brushing her. “She is more demanding than any man I ever dated,” Mica explained.“I don’t need to know any more,” I threw it right back at her.“Come on, you are dying to know what sex with her is like,” Mica said.“No, I’m dying for something to occupy my time. I have a feeling I’m going to be having more time to spend on some kind of project, now that my rehab is on track. Her next screen play is just the first of those projects. If it’s like the last one, it will make me crazy, but it will keep my mind.
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