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He loosened three top buttons and slipped his shirt over his head. The tatted markings that flowed across his chest and over his shoulder shocked me. I caught my breath, not only because of the beauty of his body but because the unexpected art was in great contrast to the expensively suited, conservative lawyer that the world saw. It was a secret he was sharing with me.I’m reminded too of how he can be doing something quite regular and normal in a married couple’s day, but suddenly look at me. ‘Sure is. I think that’s a chick inside.’ They both ran forward and Dave jumped up on the foot rail and peered in the cab. ‘It is a girl. She’s gorgeous.’ He looked in and saw beautiful, long, curly hair, and a flannel shirt around her very pretty and pert tits. The flannel shirt was tied in a knot around her waist exposing tanned and firm abs that disappeared into a pair of blue jeans. She smelled like mangos and menthols. ‘Miss, are you okay?’ The woman did not answer. Dave leaned into the. She was in her saree. As discussed we moved to there place, it was a small 1bhk. The moment we entered sheena came on me and started kissing me .. She was so desperate.. Pawan was just watching and we were kissing each other. We were on bed, she was on me and we were exploring each other by tongues. She broke the kiss and started undressing herself. She removed her pallu and then unhooked her blouse.She was not wearing any bra..My god her boobs were looking so good with black nipples. I pulled. I adjusted my dick and inserted slowly in her pussy. That warm feeling going inside my mother’s love cave gave me a chill. My cock was throbbing like hot lava.I started to give her thrusts. She is enjoying all this. I started with more speed. She moaned loudly as I fucked her hard. She started all the dirty talking. I haven’t imagined my mom lying below me while I fuck her in missionary position and talks dirty.She freed her legs in the air holding them straight. I got more space to go deep we.
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