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We locked eyes for a brief moment and then parted ways. Me to my group around a campfire and her to her small camp.I sat on a log and listened to someone attempting to play the lute. But I couldn't get her out of my head, her smile her smell her breasts. I decided to return to my tent stepping up I gradually made my way through the jungle of tents and other guys sitting around. Then I was stopped, it was dark and I couldn't see much but just a brief flicker of the fire after someone through. The fishing line was just long enough to suspend the weight an inch above the bottom of her dress.The weight tugging on her clitoris excited her, but she was coming to realize that everything excited her. She gasped when she took the first step. Each additional step drove her towards an orgasm. The weight bounced back and forth between her thighs when she walked. With each bounce it tugged gently on her clitoris. Fran could already feel her free flowing fuck juice beginning to run down her. Finally I went ahead and shot 'em before they skewered me."If it was the way they were gonna act - fine - they could feed the worms, but the women and the girl just stayed. I don't mind saying I'm getting used to 'em by now, and they can cook well enough, but we can barely understand each other and it's been four days now," George said."I'm sure some of my girls can talk to them. Do you have anything you want to say to 'em right now?" Well, mostly I'd like to know why they're staying. Not that. He can't believe that she is bent over that table. The very same table that he had strapped her mother to. Almost immediately the memory comes back to him. ----------"What was that whore?" Jerry asks his newest slave.All she replies with is chocked sobs.He slaps her exposed ass. "Answer me bitch." Nothing master, I didn't say anything."He grabs her by her hair lifting her head, he looks into her eyes. "Then stop with the tears." He knows that she wont be able to stop crying and truely he.
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