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Ish began to kiss a fondle Ty, stroking his hard cock with a slow graceful motion. Ty rolled his head over towards me and smiled radiantly. From what I could observe Paul's cock was lodged about half way it. The expression on his face wa one of marvel at the tightness of this young man's asshole and was savoring each little inch. Ty was wriggling his ass and droaning softly as it advanced deeply. I reached over and have Paul's hefty balls a firm squeeze. He let out a deep sigh. Ish resumed. She took much longer to heal and regain her health than she and the healer felt was normal. The healer gave her all sorts of concoctions to boost her system. The healer mentioned her age probably also had a lot to do with why she recovered slowly and had so many difficulties.The medallion didn’t seem to heal her as fast as it had in the past. It was a very old medallion, and she had heard about how the other old items were failing, and now had this worry as well. Being sick for so long had not. "Bed!" she ordered as she helped him out of his coat.Sam grinned tiredly at her. "I love it when you get all strict with me," he drawled."Have you eaten?" she asked worriedly."Don't you worry little miss. I am well fed and watered and will not be calling on your wonderful talents in the kitchen."She led him to the bedroom and sat him on the bed. "Are you planning on having your wicked way with me?" he leered at her as she started to undress him."You just lie down and go to sleep," she ordered. Now she was getting even hotter. . She was getting excited and found it thrilling to leave her gown around her waist and let her breasts remain exposed. Next the new doctor reviewed her comments to the nurse ....about the anal pain and questioned how often she had sex, whether she used a dildo or vibrator, did she do anal sex....and surprisely asked her if she had or received oral sex. She told him with a quivering voice yes she did oral sex....and when he asked how frequent she told him her.
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