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She was black haired and big eyed, prettily dressed and very nervous."Hi, Licia," Angique said, despising the tremor in her voice. The girl sank to her knees on the dirty floor."I am so sorry," she said, her head down, her luscious curls falling over her face. "I have been horrible to you." Please rise," Angique said, keeping away from the girl. "We agreed to be friends, remember? Don't spoil it." She walked around Alicia to the exit. Before she left the bathroom she said, without turning,"And. .. please forgive me."He takes his hands off my shoulders and steps back away from me towardsthe door."I'm only a part time cross-dresser I don't have real breasts. I don'ttake hormones. This is all an illusion. I've been dealing with cross-dressing all my life"We continue our conversation in the mirror as he says."Well you certainly fooled me. You have all the details down pat. Ican't believe those are not real breasts."As he looks me up and down again I continue."Like everything it is a. After all he wasn't a boy he was a man."Leave your house tonight after midnight and meet on the corner by my house. We will go somewhere and be alone. Sneak out and be with me." Just like that! He was so assertive, demanding. And I still couldn't talk!After a long silence, "Sure," tumbled out of my mouth. He hugged me again and the rockets all exploded again. Then he kissed me and his tongue pushed on my lips parting them. Dancing his tongue in my mouth for a minute, he then pulled it back. It. The day finally arrived, and feeling a slight tingle of nerves; I let Emily and her lovely daughter the 16-yr. old Anna in the back door. The girl was tall and had a large firm bust for one so young. Her cheeks were rosy, and she couldn’t meet my eyes, and I knew she was aware of the debauchery we planned for today. We all got acquainted with warm pleasantries then we retired to a sitting room upstairs. The ladies were seated, and I called Ashton into the room. The boy looked around.
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