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And doing other things..."She did... and she saw! She made out the face of Charl Rondeau... and... and Gretchen Friestag... both naked! And she was on all fours with Charl on his knees behind her buttocks... then, Leduc flicked a button that brought them into close-up and Janet gasped when she saw Charl's slippery cock plunging into the lovely blonde German girl's flowered vagina. She watched in revulsive fascination as Charl fucked into her with long powerful strokes -- not hurrying, and. He dressed up in silence; then he thanked me for letting him to fuck me.Dino opened the door and he went out; I heard some cheers outside and I then knew I had been the first woman he had fucked in his life…Moments later, two naked black guys came inside. One was really big, tall and muscled. The other one was handsome, but not so huge. Both looked very young.The handsome one introduced himself as Victor and I smiled to myself, thinking if my own Victor at home could have this dangling huge. "I have to strip again after we hang up." Why babe?" I need to shower, and take pops for his morning poop," Amanda replied. "Brian told me that I have to be nude when I go into your father."I laughed. "Did you and Brian have good sex last night?" God, yes! He had his finger in my ass again," she informed me. "He had it in up to his knuckle! I desperately want his cock in there!" You want his cock in your ass?" Yes, Steve!"Wow, will it fit?" I asked."Eventually, we are going to try it a little. Then she pointed her vagina opening and asked me to lick it with my tongue. I did as she said. It was my turn to act as a slave. I sucked her pussy and my tongue was inside her pussy. She was blabbering and making some crazy noises. I loved it. She squeezed her boobs with her hands. I licked her pussy vigorously now like a cat drinks its water. Her breath got heavy and legs were shaking. She stood up as she couldn’t sit on the wash basin anymore.She said, “I need your dick, Kedhar. Fuck me,.
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