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Building one had a custom bench where guys interested in being entered anally could bend over and get fucked by strangers, there was always an appreciative audience. Building two was a BDSM set up with slings, crosses, and other sex paraphernalia. Three had a depressed area where guys could suck stranger's cocks while standing up. Outside and in, the beach men were making out, fondling each other, and, in some cases, just chatting. On our arrival, she being naked wearing high heels and me. Finally reaching the end, I can’t help but stand a little taller. My body is a sizzling liquid mess of bliss. Every one of my nerve endings is singing the praises of this glorious man. Coming up behind me, he strokes a hand down my back, whispering soft, soothing coos. “Well done my good little girl,” my master says full of pride, “But I’m not through with you yet.”Wait, what? I know I didn't hear him right. He has more in store for me? And with that my pussy ripples with pleasure. How does he. We enjoy our drinks and watch as several cars going by slow down a little bit in front of our house, then continue on their way. I am sure they can see us, but I really don't give a shit. It must be one o'clock in the morning, and they should not be out driving around anyway. Krissy is obviously enjoying being naked on the front lawn because she is slowly masturbating herself while we talk. She puts down her drink, then looks over at me and says "Mom, Tommy has been sleeping with you every. I think it will help."Mom looked surprised. "That would be nice. Are you sure you want to go out on a dinner with this old lady?"She always calls herself as an "Old lady". But the truth is she doesn't look more than 30. "Mom, you aren't old. Any woman would be dying to get a figure like yours." Thanks for the complement, son. I'm OK with the dinner." That's going to be a great evening mom. Be ready at 7 o'clock. I need you to look like an angel."She stood up from the sofa. "I'm sleepy..
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