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Well, there would be naptime, but that wouldn't be nearly long enough. She needed some prime evening time with her lover. And, if she could work it, another night would be fantastic.Wednesday after dinner she pulled her husband aside and kissed him rather passionately. She marveled at how natural that had become."Honey, I was thinking, Joe has been working early every day, but not tomorrow. After our wild weekend, and then nothing, he must be getting all hot and bothered." [Or so Pete thinks].. Why don’t you let me try, meanwhile you can try out your luck with his mouth. I bet his mouth is as sweet as his hole”. Selvan, half heartedly withdrew his bull from my paining hole. He came to my face and said ‘Did I pain you honey. I am so sorry sweet heart”. I felt so nice and relieved. He kissed me and parted my lips and slowly he moved his hips closer to my face and kept his red-hot rod on my lips. I inhaled the musky smell of that throbbing rob .Pre-cum was oozing from the tip of his. I didn't know of Glasgow dogging locations but by the way he was driving me he knew where he was taking me too!We pulled up a car park that was very dark and by the looks of things on some small industrial estate, which I presume meant it would be private, but surely quite? and I only hoped other scottish dogger's knew about this otherwise I was going to have a long night waiting in the car ........BUT I got that wrong, as my master got out and walked me over with the lead to a lamp post and. So with no problem and with the speed of light I went down to satisfy that desire.With the sight of this JUICY PUSSY in my face,my dick instantly got hard.I pushed back her legs and grabbed both sides of her pussy lips and opened them as far as they could go and stuck my tounge in as far as I could and stroked till my jaws got tired,in the process of swallowing all the juices that slid down my throat.Once my jaws got tired from tounge fucking the pussy I’d suck on the clit and finger the pussy.
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