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Jack could feel his mouth begin to water and his penis begin to twitch as this naked girl swung her tits and hips right up to their table.As this lovely, young waitress approached them she pulled out a notepad and pencil from a pocket in the front of her apron. As she did this the material of the apron somehow pulled up over the top of the girl’s vagina and stayed that way as her legs pressed up against the tablecloth covering the table that Jack, Susan, George and Beverly were sitting around.. She allowed herself a smile as the daylight bled away and the light of the stars became visible, the sight alone filling her with a sense of warmth and renewed calm. She heard a voices in the street below the sounds of the last few workers calling their good nights and heading home, locking up the front doors and stepping out on their way.The lights stayed on, as they often did in the city, but by now the place ought to be empty, so she rose slowly from her crouching position and stretched,. It really looked like a real cock. It was spongy yet firm. It was beautifully crafted with a nice mushroom head. I washed it with warm water and soap. While I was just stroking it, my cock was semi hard. After I cleaned it, I kissed and licked it. Then I sucked on it and I was getting so aroused. My phone then rang and my friend was in the lobby. I told her I would come downstairs to get her. She and I have played a number of times together, but we’ve never fucked. We just masturbate for each. 'You've never sucked cock before?' have you he stated. I shook my head slightly. 'Then let me give you a lesson'. Taking the shaft of his cock he moved it in and out of my mouth so it rubbed along the inside of my left cheek and then he commenced to pump it in and out moving faster as time went by whilst shifting it from side to side of the inside of my mouth. He tasted acrid and salty and I gagged several times but he continued for quite a while before pausing. 'Now you suck it and move it in.
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