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In another second, Savannah had his underwear around his ankles, staring wide-eyed into his hard cock. I watched her gasp, completely overwhelmed at the size of him. Truly, he was impressive, probably even thicker than my husband, though Matt had a half-inch or so on him. Still... it was quite the piece, perfectly proportioned, with the head only slightly larger than the shaft. More impressive were his balls. I don't think I'd ever seen anything as big, and certainly I'd never noticed much. When my recorder was in position, my storyteller continued. My friend must have great telepathic talent. “It was getting late in the afternoon and I was on a very rural road in the foothills of Northern New Mexico. An hour before, I had passed a sign stating that the vast grass lands I was passing through belonged to The Amalgamated Meat Corporation. I stopped to watch a jack rabbit mount and breed a doe and I remember I thought that jack was lucky having a sex partner away out there in the. He backhanded her across the face making her head jerk with the blow. “I wouldn’t give $10 for that blow job cunt.” Jim stared down as Cumsocket, then looked up at me. “I think we should take the Asian slut back to Mack’s, he could probably make some money off her, maybe he could sell her to some Mexican whorehouse where she just had to lie on her back all day and get fucked, maybe she’s smart enough to do that.” Jim pinched Cumsocket’s cheeks between his fingers. “Hell, maybe she’d. It was a decent house, nice finished basement, three bedrooms upstairs. She just got it with her fiancé, Eric. I didn't know Eric as well, but I had known Rachel since we were k**s. We were always pretty good friends, never any friendzoning like what happened with Sarah.We all hung out in the basement, having a few drinks. Everything was normal, Mark and Sarah didn't really flirt too much in front of everyone, and Mark treated me like he always did. The drinks started flowing and then we all.
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