Real Incest Dirty Talk mp4

” Laura tried to turn head and kiss once again but Greg backed off, closed door for privacy, and led Laura to his living room sofa. Once again they kissed and clutched; both used their hands for intimate search. Both seemed to need proof the other was real. When Laura found her hand between her lover’s legs and gripping his very erect cock she knew reality. Greg spoke, “We could forego dinner, my darling, and feast on each other.” “No, no Greg, I have reservations and I want this date; it’s our. .. I met Compton last night." A moment later she added, "Late last night." And?" We ... we went to a motel..."WHACK!After that, she confessed in a steady stream, naming the motel, recounting the events in vulgar detail as I spanked her ass mercilessly. In the end, she was blubbering about how she liked having me finger her let me finger her pussy and doing all sorts of filthy things with him.When she finished, I gave her ten more wallops, each one a little lighter than the one before. I rested. Still trying to comprehend it all. Gary crawled in behind her spooning her now."Not a chance my dear. I still need to fill you with all my cum." One hand went around her head to her mouth and neck the other to her hip. Amber tried to squirm away from his grasp and hit him but Gary is to strong for her. He pulled her dress up pressing up against her ass with his cock. "No panties on? What a slut you are you didn't even know it after today I am sure there will be many other days like this for. And they had fallen asleep within minutes.Above all what he cherished was freedom. He could walk a mile in any direction, stay as long as he liked, and walk back. He could walk away and never come back to Alison. That was the last thing on his mind, but still -- he could. He was free.Today Alison had gone on the long trek to the designated spot to pick up supplies from Amy. He stayed at the cabin because he simply could not be seen by anyone. Someone who had seen one of the "Wanted" posters of.
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