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Pussy was easy---I got my first piece last year. So---PONY, if ur not a sports nut, is an acronym for Protect Our Neighborhood Youth. It was organized in 1951 at Washington, PA. Probably mostly Italians at that time period, It served as a transition league from tykes, or pewee, to the up-coming high school.So—anyways, back to PONY, and the locker rooms :)We had a pretty hot n sweaty practice this one afternoon. Even though a spring sport—it got hot in Texas pretty fast. My shoes had gotten. About two weeks after this strange mood had come over Sonya we went to a party at Jim and Nora Carson's house. Most of the other guests arrived around the same time we did and I noticed the Sonya seemed to be in much better spirits as soon as we started circulating among our friends.We had been at the party about a half hour when another guest arrived. I had never seen him before and I am sure I would have remembered him if I had. He was just over six feet tall, in good physical shape and had a. Nothing was said and I assumed it was purely an accident - but I later found out not, and that she'd been dying to do that ever since Aldo, if only to confirm it was real. She did try on a few more pairs in the other shops, one really hot pair of more western inspired knee highs, but nothing was knocking either of us out. We decided to return to Macy's and purchase the Ralph Lauren boots that we both liked so much. As we were walking we saw a girl, probably late 20's, in a skirt above the knees. Despite my size and enormous strength, I prefer to work with my mind, and my Cossack temperament makes me an awful team player. I look like the mountain man I often am, with a long black beard, and long, roguish black hair. My very Russian Jewish nose is the only large bare patch below my eyes.Back in the late 1980s, fresh out of Harvard with an MBA, I walked into a well known company that was doing poorly, and made them an offer. I told them that if they were to take me on and give me a free.
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