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Take a breath, Freddie. I took a breath. ‘I need some time to think about it,’ I said. ‘Okay, yeah, sure,’ I said after thinking about it for three seconds. ‘I gave it a lot of thought and I’m all for it. I mean, if this is the only way that I can keep you, then I am willing to sleep with Yan…for you.’ I smiled a devilish grin while blinking my eyes fast. ‘You’re such an asshole, but I still love you.’ She smiled, leaned over, and stuck her tongue down my throat. ‘I’m going to call Yan now, and. ”That was dumb: the disappearance of Jo’s jeep would indicate we’d made it back safely. But Jay just waved dismissively at us, then joined his mother indoors.“Warm welcome,” muttered Jo when we were out of earshot.“You can imagine the welcome I got when they thought I was gay. I thought Mr Calhoun was going to shoot me.”We walked in silence, concentrating on our footing on the uneven animal track path, until Jo pointed back towards Mountview. “The views are spectacular, aren’t they!” she said.. “Yes.” She answered, feeling suddenly bold. This is why she had agreed to this trip, why she’d put up with Jenny’s bullying and Robert’s clumsy affections, and the cold and the long drive through the mountains in the dark. “Yes, oh, Yes. Please?” Smiling, he kissed her, his sensuous lips coaxing need from within, teasing a soft moan from her as the tip of his tongue traced her jaw line, the cords of her neck, his mouth hot along her collarbone, the swell of her heaving breasts, finally coming. "Hi Lexi. It's so good to be home." Her lips were so soft and inviting. After that very nice greeting, I went into my bathroom for a nice, relaxing shower after a long day. I had recently started my own consulting business, and things were stressful right now. The only thing that kept me sane, was the fact that my step daughter and I had developed quite an unexpected relationship. It wasn't anything I planned, or even previously thought of in a serious way. Of course I noticed her developing.
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