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..............WHAT A SIGHT SHE WAS............A PROPER MATURE 42YR OLD WHORE OUT TO GET FUCKED BY BLACK COCK. I HAD TO HAVE A WANK THERE AND THEN AS SHE WATCHED SHE WATCHED RUBBING HER CLIT AS I SHOT MY SPUNK ON THE FLOOR AT HER FEET, " THE NEXT LOT OF SPUNK I SEE TONIGHT IS GONNA BE COMING FROM A BIG BLACK COCK NOT YOUR COCK".THE NIGHT PRETTY MUCH FOLLOWED THE SAME PATTERN AS BEFORE, I'D STAND AT THE BAR DRINKING AS FIONA STRUTTED HER STUFF ON THE DANCEFLOOR ATTRACTING AS MUCH ATTENTION AS. Anyway I rose on steep stairs behind her and had ample view of her fleshy ass and got hard in a fraction and thought about calling my wife while going back from here,To tell her that I want to fuck her tonight and like so many past nights I was thinking about fantasizing Mukta, while fucking my wife. But at her home something else was waiting for me, her mom was not well and she could not speak much because of pain in her chest.Suddenly whole scenario changed in a fraction and we both got. I asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said no. Then I asked her if she would be interested to be my girlfriend. At first she turn beet red then said YES. I was sure she would have said no.Her father arrived home and her made dinner, we had a good conversation then at 9 pm, he went to bed and we were alone again. we talked all night long and she fell asleep on my lap. I stayed there till 5am when her father got up, I joined him in the kitchen for a coffee and he left for work.Caroline woke. He immediately kissed me on my lips and then stood up in front of me holding me by my waist and bringing me closer to him. I was looking elsewhere all the time and then he again brought his lips really close to mine to give me a kiss. I just closed my eyes and then I felt his lips touching mine and his tongue probing inside my mouth. His kissed so beautifully like an expert that I melted in his arms. We kissed for a long time with his hands lightly feeling and traveling my entire body and.
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