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“Um ... what year?” she asks.“What’s the oldest you have?” he questions, seeing Debbie’s eyes light up as well. She loves wine, and she definitely knows the name. “Ah, it doesn’t matter. The oldest you got,” he quickly adds. “This is a special order for a special woman.”And so, off Hannah goes to the wine storage to dig up the bottle. AS she reaches the door to the storage and restrooms, Alan excuses himself, saying that after all their drinking he really needs to use the restroom. It is. :In dream: Mysteere: I won’t lose Chang Long! Long: I’ll die before my empire falls!” :Mysteere running his sword through Chang Long: Long: Mark my words I will have my revenge!! After that Mysteere would never forget the look on Chang Longs face right after he swore revenge. Mysteere: Ah! God I got to forget that dream it’s already been over two years since I killed Chang Long. There’s no way he can get his revenge he’s dead. :Falls back to sleep: :3 hours later: Ah man why does this dream. I hadn’t even noticed that the bedroom came complete with another massive stone fireplace and a beautiful view of the Tennessee River as it wound its way toward Chattanooga. With a grin on my face at the thought of bedding this sassy, sexy, “virgin’ I turned my attention to building a fire in the fireplace. It was summer time but somehow the fire seemed appropriate. I opened the two-bedroom windows facing the river. A cool evening breeze was blowing in from the river bringing with it the fresh. ..To the thought of being hopelessly ravished by god knows who? She had been holding her breath for what seemed like an eternity, with her heart pounding, and now could not hold it any longer, gulping in breath after breath of the cool night air. Diane was now thinking, oh my god! how could they not have seen me, the lights had clearly been on her and certainly long enough for anyone to see, that she was in this helpless naked condition, and how could they just drive by and not do.
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