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"Non!" Her hand stopped its ministrations, and my dick throbbed with futilely in her hand. She placed my hands back on my chest. At that moment, I knew I would have no release, until I did what she wanted.I acquiesced. Not slightly, or halfway, but all the way. Soon, she had me with my fingers tugging my nipples, legs spread painfully wide, moaning and squirming like a ten-dollar whore, all in order to feel her touch - the feel of her lotion slick hands sliding up and down my cock. She brought. ”Sighing Bill had been afraid that she might react this way. “I did not come here to make a mate of you. I have two already, they are already driving me to my wits end. No, I also wish to honor tradition protecting you. You are not the type of mate I would care for I am afraid. As my new sister though I will protect you to my last breath!”Again Niaco’s eyes went wide, she wasn’t his type? Growling she took a swipe at Bill startling him, though he caught her arms easily behind her paws.Panting. ”It was Saturday morning and the Denisons were getting ready for the formation on the base where the twins would be recognized. Sgt Denison had already left early to prepare, and now the rest of the family was ready to leave.Soon they arrived near the parade grounds and parked. An MP officer checked their IDs and told them to go to a tent set up near the entrance to the seating area.“Ladies, sir, I was told that you’re the guests of the general. The officer in the tent there will show you where. But this perfect looking guy does come with flaws; sadly. However to make it look slightly more interesting than just one huge rant, I’ve broken it down into 5 easily readable points for you:1. He doesn’t like cheese2. Being sociable can be confused with being a tad perverted in an odd way... Not my own words! He has been known to talk intimately to random strangers.3. The various hoodies he possesses can get a tad annoying in the world of drab school uniform4. He’s loud. Very.
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