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Moaning all at once… it was so sensual… the whole atmosphere seemed to be filled by my aroma and flavor… not just the one being released by the sandalwood scent applied all over my body due to the heat of passion but also the aroma of my vaginal secretions… the rug was a puddle of the juices and my ass was just floating around in it…Dad then came over, properly undid my brassiere and slid off my thong which at this point was nothing more than a drenched wash cloth… he then proceeded to stand up. You are now Island and Facilities Manager. You have control of all systems. I will introduce you to your knew family, later today. Please investigate all facilities thoroughly making recommendations to bring them up to current technology standards. I also want a complete decipher of all data storage modules in the data centre, and a summarised report for the family, later this evening," Ohai instructed the family's new Facilities Manager."Thank you, Ohai. I confirm I now have control of all. “That’s cool. I like Jewish girls. Sarah Silverman. Natalie Portman. Rachel Weisz. Just to name a few,” I declared, “and best of all, Sarah Karloff, my favorite Jewess.”“Master, you are so getting laid for that!” Sarah told me with a kiss to my cock as well, “Admittedly, it’s a relief that you’re cut, not that I think that it’s necessary for goyim like yourself.”“Don’t forget your friend with benefits!” Katrina reminded me, kissing my mouth with incredible heat, and then kissing the head of my. Take on Miss Psychologist at her own game. Lingering eye-contact across the restaurant table, even in the silences. Fingers weaving together while awaiting the cheque. Invite her back almost as a throwaway and once she’s on your sofa, draw out her confidences while gently flirting. Play idly with her hair and share laughter up close. Kiss her, soft, slow and searching. Charm her free of clothing, then tongue her free of inhibition. Penetrate her deep till her body quakes and her eyes roll back.
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