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My mother and sister had me wearing the corset for amonth. But I was still getting used to the feel of being squeezed sotightly.Since the night I got caught my mother said I should let my hair grow outand it was the right choice. My hair was now down to just below myshoulders and had been dyed a slightly lighter shade of my naturalbrunette colour. And along with the professional make up session I, asdid the other contestants, received both Tina and mum thought it was thebest I had ever looked.. From what Denise was saying, she was excited about getting Michael in bed and the way she described Jim, I was in for getting a huge cock. Denise said that Jim is really big and they don’t have sex too often because it hurts. Now, I am really looking forward to getting this guy in bed! While shopping, I found some lovers oils and I bought some for Denise and I. What I really bought it for was to make sure if Jim did have a huge cock, I could get him in me, but I told Denise that Michael. She well knows the consequences of what Tim considers gossiping. But Abbie enjoys when interesting news, whether based on fact or not, is shared. Though now, there is this little voice inside her. Telling Abbie she shouldn’t be doing this, thanks to Tim’s discipline for such things.oOoBoth Tim and Abbie’s Monday at work flies by. Around three in the afternoon, a silly but delightful idea enters Abbie’s mind. As the idea hatches, Abbie realizes it has been ages, maybe even a year, since she. I opened my eyes and saw daddy watching me, his hand was on his hard cock, still encased in his pants, the other man was walking, in what seemed like slow motion towards me, he was undoing his pants and and reaching inside to bring his cock out, 'Just her ass', said daddy, 'I want her cunt first', I smiled and closed my eyes and clung onto the neck of my fat abuser, his hands now roughly pulling my bum apart, as I twitched on his thigh, the other man's cock was pushing into me, my moans crying.
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