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I waited a moment with my cock fully inside herletting her feel it and get used to it before pullingout slowly then forcing it back in a little faster thistime.“Ooh God I’m soooo full, Ooooh Ron his cock is so big!”she almost screamed out. Ron just grunted and movedcloser to us his cock getting hard again, I startedpumping in and out now her pussy opening up to megetting wetter and bigger as I feed her my full 9inches. She was going nuts screaming out that she was comingand bucking. I wrote down all strange names, phone numbers, and locations that were unfamiliar to me. I also pulled her cell phone bill and copied it on our printer/copier so that I would have a record or who she was calling and who called her. I looked through her text messages and found several that arranged meetings and made note of the number. She had a pattern where she would text the guy, then he would reply with a place and time. There was even a place and time for tomorrow.I needed a long range pair. It also contained ropes, pulleys, and many other things she couldn't recognize.A small noise on the floor above her had her widening her eyes. Now, she knew where she was! She heard that noise everyday. She was in a room somewhere in the court house. Where she had worked for the last 5 years.tSlowly standing up she struggled to remember how she had gotten there. She remembered one of the judges asking her to get a box of archived files from the basement. She remembered someone coming up behind. She was wet from top to toe and she was busy trying to shake off the water from her hair. Her massive globes were shaking at her movements, and I had an instant hard-on that may have been visible, now that my trousers were wet and hugging. She was facing me now and stood just a foot away. I tried looking away. I am close to 5’8” and for her height, her breasts were near my stomach and from where my eyes were I could easily look down into her.The top of her kameez was drenched and had stuck to.
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