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Jacquie's eyes never left Hazel's as she sat down beside, putting her arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. Hazel groaned softly as Jacquie's lips met hers and again, her tongue slid into her mouth.As Jacquie kissed her, Hazel felt her friends hand slide down over down her body until it rested on her lace covered mound. Hazel's stomach muscles clenched and she groaned loudly. Jacquie broke the kiss and smiled at her. "You like that, don't you Hazel?" she whispered. Hazel didn't reply,. There was for a split second a small chink of light, allowing Olivia just a momentary glimpse of her surroundings, not enough to take anything in at all, but just enough to let her know that this was really happening. The footsteps grew louder and louder, until it became clear there was more than one pair of feet, different types of shoes, until eventually the footsteps grew so loud against the floor that Olivia knew that somebody was standing in front of her. Olivia held her breath, as if by. I placed my left hand above her pussy, fingers pointed downwards, so I could continue to part her labia with my thumb and forefinger while darting my tongue in and around the tender flesh between. My right hand was then free to relieve hers in penetrating her vagina, except that I used two fingers, sliding in and out slowly and more deeply. Her hands now free, she grabbed her knees and pulled them up to that they were folded up on either side of her torso. Her eyes were closed this whole time,. Mark returned with a rum and coke. Cindy took several sips before setting it down on the coffee table. Mark sat down completing the corner of a triangle. Cindy stood as Mark sat down. She strained a smile at each of them. ?Well?I suppose you want to see what I’ve brought to the party.? She reached the top button of her blouse and with three quick flicks laid it open. ?I won’t need this.? She laid it upon the coffee table. Then with another deft move she slid the zipper at the.
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