School Teacher Kidnap Rape Sex mp4

“Clint!” I screamed as rapture shot to my mind. “Oh, my god, Clint!”The water spray turned cold as Clint kept licking my asshole, fucking his fingers in and out of my pussy. I quivered and trembled. My eyes rolled back into my head as I rocked back into his fucking fingers. Pleasure rippled through me. Alicia squealed. Aunt Cheryl acted. The water turned off as I kept moaning and gasping, wave after wave of pleasure washing through my body. My man kept loving my asshole and pussy. And I kept. He pushed himself as deep as he could go and his cum exploded from the tip of his cock. She could feel his cum splashing against her walls, that caused her to begin her own climax. Her pussy lips clenched his cock, her body became rigid as waves of pleasure ran through it. He let go of her legs and fell on top of her, his lips crushed to hers as their tongues sought the other. Several minutes later they simply held each other sharing sweet caring kisses. Laying in each others arms, they fell. How about something cool to drink?" he asked."Sounds wonderful."He was gone only a moment and returned from his house with two cold sodas.As he handed her the soda she began to pull the blanket around her."No use being modest on my account. With a body like that you should be wearing a bikini more often, or maybe nothing at all."Her mouth dropped open.I meant that way you wouldn't get tanning lines," he added smiling."You don't like tanning lines on a woman?" she asked, her heart. Kathleen's mom had cooked some chicken and the smell of food got me hungry. We started eating and making small talk when all of a sudden I felt Brad's foot touch mine. I was bare footed and so was he, a shiver ran through my body with his touch, I couldn't concentrate on the food any longer, all I could think of was Brad's foot touching mine, was this just a conincident or did he do it on purpose. I had to know, so I extended my foot towards his, I touched his foot, he moved it back, I was.
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