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"Congratulate your lover boy. He's our newest member." Why did you kill him?" He's not dead. He's just resting after his initiation." Jose's joke drawslaughter from the audience of a dozen or so MS soldiers. Hector sees me. "Time for you now, T-chica."I want to leave. I can't imagine surviving a beating in like the one Cesarhas suffered. Hector sees my fright. "Don't worry, we have a specialprocedure for the chica's." A couple of beefy young MS soldiers grab meunder my arms and pick me up. I. What first got me and Wanda goin' was her askin' me if I was interested in girls."Hell, yes," I said. "Why'd you ask a damn fool question like that?" I was put off with her thinkin' I might be some momma's boy."Well, for one thing, you ain't never asked me for a date. For another, yer always polite around me and the other girls. No smart-ass remarks or nothin'." Wanda ... you had me fooled. I was sure you weren't datin' nobody on account you still bein' married to Wally. So, I figured there. Green. Jen also felt a mix of emotions. Excited that this hung guy would be naked before her while he proceeded to take off every stitch of clothing she had on. But also a little nervous that she would be returning the “hands-on” favor to Meredith. She thought back to the last class when Dr. Green had unexpectedly caressed her breast, and while surprised, was also a bit turned on as well. This reassured her a bit as she anticipated stripping the cute professor. The freshman made short work of. "Mmm... mmm," she groaned a little. Then I felt more pressure, a lot more pressure was pushing against my asshole."Oh... Oh!" is all I could manage to groan."It's ok, just relax... if you liked one finger, I know you'll like two fingers... at least two," she said with a devilish tone. This felt different though. This felt big. Very big! After a few seconds of her probing and pushing, two fingers slipped inside my ass. It hurt a little, but a good hurt."Oh my god, oh my god," I couldn't help but.
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