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I loved this wonderful feeling of her anal ring widening and widening to take my clit-cock. I pushed against her anal ring. She gasped as I popped into her bowels.“Master,” breathed Diane.Shetha purred with delight while I groaned my passion.It was an amazing treat to sink into my moon maiden’s bowels. Her anal ring swallowed my cock. She took inch after inch of my dick. It was an incredible rush to push into the depths of her asshole. I grinned at everyone watching me bugger my moon. She would still have a few reminders – her nipples were a bit raw and painfully sensitive, and her sex was sore from the intense stimulation it had received. But washing away the sweat and secretions made her skin feel soft and silky, even more so because her skin had absorbed the oil that had caused her to glisten in the candlelight the previous evening.Washing her body felt so wonderful that she decided to pamper herself a bit more. Turning off the shower, she sat down and drew a hot,. .."At that, he transformed, too. His skin grew darker by degrees, and the body hair thinned out. His features morphed from being reminiscent of southern Europe to central Africa. The perfect curls on his head disappeared while a short goatee and mustache grew out. His frame became more slender, and a touch taller. Within seconds, he was a gorgeous specimen of masculinity which matched her voluptuous dark-toned femininity. Despite herself, Sulphurette's breath caught in her throat at the. I was lost in it and finally toward the end of the song, I did look at Him….. “whatever makes you happy” …. “whatever you want” then looked away and finished the song with a melancholy more smug than sad, though only He would know that I was wickedly turned on. Carrie hugged me when I finished and we both pressed and twisted a little into each other and I knew she was going home with me. I wanted to rejoice at my conquest but at the moment I was terrified and quaking at what I had just.
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