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Now, Sherrie can barely shift her frame. Iwill need to 'spot' her to make the minor adjustments as she sits in the stretch.I push her piles of books further in to her crotch, now that her ankles are higher, so she's more level.As she sits in the stretch, I will move two books from the front and then the back."Are you sure you're okay? Do you want to 'shake it out' first?" No, I'm fine. The whole point it to build muscle memory. Relax." Do you want your water?" Maybe later. Now shut up and hold. No luck! Coming to a halt at the desk, Azelia throws her arms onto it and waits. But she doesn’t have to wait long.“I thought I recognized the pink hair,” Janae says from behind. “I didn’t get to mention how I love the way it looks.”Azelia spins, blushing and turning her normally pale green skin a different shade of red. “You know us Rakan, we have a unique style.”“I thought of doing something like that,” the girl says, smiling warmly at the alien.“Oh no, don’t do that,” Azelia interjects. “You. Either he managed to escape or he struck some sort of deal with the Counter spook service. While I had my money on the second possibility, either way, wasn’t good enough for me. That sun-baked goon would not have the last laugh.Now, my friend here is your next lesson. This time the prey is much more cunning and just might even have government help. I needed to find out if he did accept a deal.That chrome skinned Intel officer was way to fast on the scene for being there by accident.I went. “I had to find myself. Between Oluth dominating me and that awful woman having her way with me, I came to the frightening conclusion that I might be some sort of hedonist… a slave to my passions and whoever could enflame them.” “And?” Saela asked after a prolonged pause. “And I came to the obvious answer. Yup! That’s exactly what I am. Since Oluth has brought me more pleasure than anyone else, I’m here for him. Not a moment too soon from the looks of things, I’d say.” She rubbed her hands.
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