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Soon it was a lovely kiss.When we, at last, broke for air, she said “Thank you so much, that was wonderful, the kiss, and the er whatever you call it. The best day of my life yet. And I saw you drinking my pee, wow!”We all had a hug and then lay back for a rest and a drink.Meanwhile, I had forgotten about myself but I suddenly noticed my cock had raised its head again, not a surprise really! Three girls all giggled and made a grab for it, as one.Mandi whispered in my ear, “It’s against. (showed me the toe rings on her pretty feet)Shubo: What’s that tattoo on your wrist?Gulki: It says Joy, my hubby’s name. Students are coming now, you should call me ma’am.Shubo: Yes ma’am, good to see you againI held out my hand. An electric current passed as she took my hand. We held our handshake for almost 20 seconds in silence. She still liked me, just couldn’t tell me straight. Maybe Prof. Joy could pleasure her with his experience, but he couldn’t be more infatuated about her than I was.I. It’s certainly not a dick. Real men have dicks. Michelle here has a cute little clit. It’s all of four skinny inches when it’s hard, not even close to something that would satisfy a woman. This is one of the ways I control her?and her behavior. I let her spurt occasionally, but I control when and how.??I think I could use one of those things for my husband,? I replied, still shocked at what I had seen and what had happened. Michelle pulled up her panties and lowered her skirt.The woman. She wanted one more round of fucking that would get us to cum one more time. For this round was was prepared…..she handed me a pair of panties from the hamper of a friend of theirs, and told me to put them on. I agreed, though I wasn’t quite sure what was going to happen. Once I put them on my cock stiffened….and she tole us what she wanted to happen. She wanted to suck my cock….as he fucked me. I had been fucked before, but normally I was the ‘top’ and didn’t let guys fuck me. But this evening.
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