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She was going to ask him whether she should come down in her girl clothes when he said “make sure you’re wearing heels”. So she knew. She immediately panicked. There wasn’t enough time to make sure she looked perfect. But she knew there could be no excuses. Daddy had been clear about this before the trip. She was to pay attention and do as he said. So she began to put her makeup on. And took out a skirt and blouse to wear to dinner. Black pencil skirt and a print top. Her open toe yellow heels. He had one canteen for water (not enough in this country) and a saddlebag which I didn't ask about, since it was none of my business.It seemed that his horse had been bitten by a rattlesnake. He had killed it with his pistol which he carried in a saddle holster. It was something that I had heard of, but never seen: it was a double-action .44-40 caliber revolver custom made in England. It was a top-break like mine, and it was so well balanced that it seemed to float in my hand when he let me. I shot more times, with more cum, and at a higher velocity than ever before. It felt like shooting an arrow into a bale of hay. Actually it was more like emptying my quiver of arrows into her. I stayed right there and pulled her down on top of me while I hugged and kissed her.Amanda said, “Thank you. I knew that I wanted you to be my first, the moment that I saw you. That’s why I had my mother check you out.”We cuddled and basked in the after glow until my cock shriveled up and slipped out of. The staff sent word to McKinnon's staff that he President was seeking hisimmediate resignation. This led to a frantic call from McKinnon toBartlett who refused to speak to the President about it. When McKinnonstarted to rant about Jaimie he was cut off with the staff walking out indisgust.The three couples were given a tour of the White House while thingscooled down. They knew they were being isolated from the public and themedia but it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see things that.
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