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Did you have been fucked before…?" I was concentrating too hard to answer, instead focusing my attention on letting him push deeper. Making short progress, he pushed deeper and deeper, pausing only to let me catch my breath. "How does that feel…?" “You love my black cock deep inside you?”Thoughts went through my mind; but all I could do was moan…I felt him pull back until only his head remained inside of me; he paused for just a moment and pushed hard back into me. I came immediately, screaming. ”, I said, stating my obvious interest in these two lovelies wrapped around each side of me. I glanced at Jess, only to see her facial expression had changed - she was giving me daggers. Obviously, she was not pleased.“We saw you play with Cherry, and she told us how much fun she had fucking you. She told us she hasn’t been fucked that well in a long time.” Oh, so that was her name. Gonna have to remember that. “She always welcomes the newbies to our little group. So we thought we’d join you. I retrieve a small bowl of heated Sake` and begin to massage it slowly into your skin, base of your head, neck, shoulders, down each arm ever so slowly, letting the warmth of the alcohol and the tenderness of the massage excite your skin and nerve endings. After both arms have been massaged I start slowly down your back, over your spine, working out wards at each rib. As I arriver at your waist, past your ribcage I rub from the outside in toward your backbone. Kneading each side one at a time.. She wore a black leotard and had a long black tailthat nearly touched the floor. Her face looked like something out ofBroadway's 'Cats' musical; with full make up and whiskers as well."Hi, Honey," said Jack as he walked up to her and gave her a kiss on thelips. "Hello, 'Frankenstein'," she replied when they broke their kiss."Hi, Claudia!" I said, from a few steps away. "Love the cape, Justin!" she exclaimed."Thanks," I said, as I took another drink of my beer."Put the mask on and let me see how.
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