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With a click of his fingers, two guards march towards the table, your heartbeat racing uncontrollably as you push me away and adjust your dress. I try and get away, but am restrained by one the guards, the other insisting you stay seated. The guard takes your wrist firmly. The King walks slowly over, his head lowered, pondering. He smiles as he approaches us, the rest of the guests looking on in anticipation. Swiftly he sweeps his hand across the table, the pewter plates and goblets crashing. “Well, with Josh I have to go slow. It’s great, and he’s a very good lover, but there’s this whole aspect of sex that I used to enjoy that’s now off the table. And I miss it. Worse, I think it’s starting to affect our marriage.”“How so?” I asked. This was the first hint I’d have that there was any marital discord between them. And they had only been married a couple of years.“I just want more. I want the things that I can’t do with Josh.”“Have you talked it over with Josh?”“Yes. We’re pretty. It had gotten even harder while I sucked on Phillip and Harry. But now, it was ready to explode from me being manhandled by this big stud co-pilot who was planning to force me to deep throat him like a cheap slut. Before I had ever had sex with a woman, I was already having lots of sex with older men. I found that women think their pussies are made of gold, so they want you to do too much to get it. With men, it was much easier to get into having sex. They have their needs and I have mine and. I saw him briefly at the other end of thecrowded train station at 5pm on a Friday evening.He was wearing a high ponytail tied with a red scrunchie, smallish hoopearrings, a blue waistcoat, a red shirt, or maybe I should call it ablouse, and the same broach that he was wearing the first time I saw him.The building he works in has two entrances but according to his friendJustine I'm on the side that he'll be departing.Okay, call me a stalker but I'm desparate to meet him again.A group of people.
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