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I knew she would be wet and ripe with juice.My first lick started at the base of her opening, and circled between her inner and outer lips, passing over her clit and down the other side.“Ohhhh. Go lower, Ron. MUCH lower” I knew what she wanted. I had rimmed her just a bit the other day when she was eating Rachel. She seemed to have liked it. I made another slow circle and when I reached the bottom, I dragged the back of my tongue across Kim’s starfish.“Mmmmmmmm” she moanedKim reached behind her. She practically pushed Betty off of Barney and licked her juices off of his cock from the base to the tip of the head, coating it with her saliva. Wilma nursed on his completely hard cock. She was practically crazed by her lust.Wilma pulled him up and rolled him off the bed so he was standing beside it, his cock hard and slippery from her mouth. Turning, she got on her hands and knees on the bed wagging her ass at Barney."Fuck me from behind. I want to feel your cock deep in my cunt." Standing. I always step out of the room but I guess it’s obvious. Less obvious is how you chose this red dress, how you knew I bought it for her.I watch you bend over to adjust the strap on your shoe and the black nylon over your painted toenails. The hem of your dress rides up. I think you hiked it a little to give me a peek of your stocking tops. You have a rounder, tighter bottom than my wife. Smaller, firmer breasts. (I always remember you at our house at brunch the day we met, having arrived still. It's a shame, because he could do a lot worse." I hope that's not meant to be a compliment." We're talking about his view. You know I think you're not bad at all."Anyway, I was thinking he could do a lot worse. I could come home with a Goth boyfriend. I could come back with tattoos." Please don't," said Jeff."I'm just talking about possibilities. I have no intention of marring this flawless skin. But I could bring home a biker. 'Hi, Dad. Meet my boyfriend Spike.'"And I can do much worse than.
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