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As this stranger places a hand on your thigh and slowly caresses it and slides his hand towards your sex stopping just before he reaches the hot wet mound. His cock growing as he takes in the sight of this amazing woman. The expression on your face shows that you can tell something is different. I lean down and let my mouth meet yours in a deep passionate kiss as this strangers slides his hand over one breast, I take the other and we both squeeze and pinch your nipple as you take in a deep. ” “A… what?” A smile tipped the corner of his mouth as he tried to control his amusement. “I’m afraid I doona quite have the knack of American colloquiums just yet.” Sighing, Serena decided that she was a first class loser, “A dweeb, is a person who is a complete dork that can‘t seem to keep a hold of her brain for more than a minute at a time. I,” she pointed at herself, “am the dweeb, and you,” she pointed at him, “are the reason I lost my brain.” “Am I now?” He spoke slowly. Serena. He didn't resist as I gently pulled his hand off the wheel and placed it back where it was as I said, "It's okay I'm just a little nervous. I haven't done this for awhile." Knowing about how long it would take to reach his place, we drove for a few minutes, with his hand just resting where I'd placed it. Without his hand moving any higher, his fingers gently started to caress my leg. Then his hand started to slowly slide up my leg. It felt so natural that I didn't want him to stop. But, he did.. And your hands reached out and caress my manhood...through my pants.... massaging it you quickly took a hold of my zipper and pulled it down...and your hands reached in and retrieves my thick swollen erection.... gently you massage it back and forth admiring the length and the thickness... your eyes look up a t me and then back at my large member... your tongue darts out quickly and touches the tip of it.... i close my eyes and take in the sheer pleasure you are giving run your tongue.
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