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..Chapter 2: - The realise period -Saturday I did not sleep a lot, was nervous as hell. At 1 00 pm exactly my phone gave a receiving signal. The message was: - wait at 1:20pm at the corner of a-street and b-and street. A black Mercedes will pick you up. Be there. Success, - Adam. I was shaking as a leaf, answered - OK -. I tried to relax myself, but it was impossible because I could imagine what would happen, what I had to see and I knew it was a criminal act so I could end up in jail.. This time she moaned her approval when I gently pulled on her triangle and used it to tease her clit."I want you so bad," she insisted, grinding against my hand and reaching for my cock. "But you have to promise to be gentle, and go slow, and try not to grind against me, and..."I silenced her with a kiss. It was a foregone conclusion that we'd start slow, but we soon found positions that barely put any pressure on her new piercing and going slow was no longer an option."Why did I make us wait?". A particular day he,d been testing a new colour using a slightly different techniques hen he accidentally spilt some on the floor and as he began to wipe the paint up the floor suddenly vanished and Terry could see Through the floor boards where every spot of paint touched. Terry carefully wiped up every drop,of paint then took a small brush and painted a bit of a coffee cup and the bit he,d painted vanished, the back of the cup the only visible part. As he did the only testing on this new type. Especially because Tony and Karen were so nice and paying for everything. Tony even agreed to wear a condom even though he didn't want to and he also agreed to try no anal. I played the power card on Melissa, stating that she'd probably be the best sex he would ever have and to role play like she was in control ...she had the power to make Tony do whatever she wanted. I finished up by saying just stay in character and have fun. I joked that Karen had no idea what she was getting herself into.
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