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Unbewußt hob sie zwischendurch das Kaugummi auf, packte es aus und steckte es in ihren Mund. Tommy konnte kaum seine Aufregung zurückhalten!! "Sie hat es getan", freute er sich, "diese hochnässige Schlampe hat es getan!!" Die Klingel leutete und jeder gab seine Unterlagen bei Miss Arnolds Tisch ab um sich dann zum Mittagessen zu begegeben. Außer Tommy, der ausharrte bis alle Schüler den Raum verlassen hatten. Er stellte sich direkt vor Miss Arnolds Tisch und wartete ruhig ab was als nächstet. Exhausted, I curled into the fetal position and lay still.I don't remember anything after that. ~~~~~I woke in a bed with damp cloths between my legs. I lay quietly, unmoving, recalling what had happened. I hated to admit it, but it had been amazing. A knock at the door roused me from my memories and Vickie walked in.“Morning Misty, you ready to get up and start your day? You have a lot to learn before tonight’s party." Party? What party?” I said, wiping sleep from my eyes. “I don't know. If Axel told them the full plan, he wondered what they would think. ***Axel wanted to ask them about their powers but avoided it thinking it would be impolite. However, the circumstances did not allow for much secrecy. If they wanted to live, they had to work together.Barny and his guardsmen all worshiped the same god, an idol god. The god’s power was imbued in items they carried with them, allowing the god’s influence to reach them from a distance, and as long as one of them had their item. When Alan finished, Tony handed a towel to me to clean up, then said, “Betty, that was very good. Take a short break We have some coffee ready, but if you prefer, we have a bar for hard drinks.”I looked at Alan’s cock. Again it was limp, but the head was hanging down well below his balls. I could hardly believe that I had sucked this young stud off. What would my husband say if he knew about it.I looked at Tony to say, “I don’t want any coffee, but I need something strong after what I just.
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