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He saw that she was pleased and offered her guidance. He offered her a training collar, which she accepted. He showed her where she could handle her fantasies without danger and watched over her while she did. He saw her have many orgasms, small and large, to keep her mind off chasing bad men and being abused.He had ordered her to the adult bookstore before and she had gone and made the purchases that he requested and found them good, but she didn't follow through and have interactions as he. Unseen, but distinctly felt hands were moulding her breasts. She could see the indentation of her bra cups as fingers manipulated, squeezed and fondled her. She didn’t know how to respond. The ministrations were mildly erotic, but it was way too weird. At last, she regained some control and tried to get up. It was as if she had collided with invisible marshmallow. A gentle force across her chest pushed her back down to a prone position.The cups of her bra were yanked down and she could feel two. I had other thoughts as well, but alady doesn't discuss them.I returned to the bedroom to complete the transformation to Nicki. I putthe robe back on the hook and sat on the couch at the end of the bed. Ipulled the pale pink stockings onto each leg. I wrapped the lace garterbelt around my waist and attached the hooks in the back. I fastened thegarter straps to the top of the stockings and smoothed them all intoperfect place. I rose and picked up the pair of black lace panties. Ibrought them to. That night she again wore a pair of tight black suede trousers and a black transparent top albeit with a lacey bra beneath. By the time we came out of the restaurant after a good meal and a couple of bottles of wine, at just before 11, the bus crowd had rather disappeared and Henri informed me that as he was doing night porter as well would we mind him closing the bar as he wanted to do some paperwork in the office. If we wanted anything further to drink he could always get it for us. I ordered.
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