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As I turned my head to give my date an appreciative kiss on the head, and inhaling the unfamiliar scent of shampoo, I noticed that the other couple, my wife and her husband, had moved a bit closer together, too. I didn’t know which had stimulated me more, the smell, feel, and closeness of this attractive woman I was allowed liberties with, or the sight and knowledge that my wife of so many years was being allowed those same liberties with this man she’d only met a few moments ago.Almost the. ”“That’s great,” Robin said, still set back by the softer, higher pitched voice that was now his, “than let’s do it.”“That’s the not so good news,” Kid Flash continued. “If we try and reverse the process before his, err, her body is totally adjusted to the changes, it could cause the same cellular damage we might’ve done if we’d interrupted the original transformation.”“How long do we have to wait?” Donna asked, seeing that is was a question that Dick was afraid to ask.“Based on what I read in. I figured Gabe would bring you over to play his games cause . . .” Henry seemed to get stuck for a moment. “Well you’re not the dominating one and I thought Freja was. Gabe likes girls who let him tie them up and do things to them. I didn’t think a woman like Freja would like getting treated like a slave and fucked by Gabe.” Henry’s eyes seemed to mirror his confusion about the roles he thought Freja and Lacy occupied. Lacy was touched by his desire to understand it all and she reached out. After putting my wife to bed, I returned to the car to find Brenda in a deep sleep. I tried to wake her but got no response. I reached up and touched her face and pretty hair. I touched her soft lips that had earlier been sucking a large dick. She didn't move and I headed to her house.When we pulled into the driveway I found her keys and went and unlocked the door. I got in the car and sat beside her trying to wake her up. She was out. I looked at her and realized that her legs were apart..
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