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After they left, he moved his chair near the railing so he could watch them. Someone approached his table and he looked up to see Baron. “Have a seat my friend,” he offered and the two sat and talked while watching the dancers below.“So are you here with your new slave?” Baron asked him.Michael laughed, “Slaves, I have three now.”“Three? How did you manage that? Did they come with the one you were telling me about Thursday?”“Nope, these two found me. They go to Paul’s parties and saw me there.. The four of us stood there with a beer. I told Troy this party is lame and we should go. Troy said that Wilma and I could really liven it up. I told him no! Troy then said "I double dog dare you" followed by "strip down naked and swim in the pool and then fuck all these guys!" I looked at Wilma who was already taking off her clothes and I then removed mine and we went to the pool and jumped in. Several boys got naked and jumped in also along with the two drunk girls. Now, I have only fucked. I pulled her back an put her head on my lap and her legs opened in front of him. I know he was desperate to fuck her already but I told him to taste her, which I know she loves. He went down her and she was in heaven, telling me she felt like she had been naughty and this was her punishment for it. After a few minutes i got the guy to stand up. I reached over undid his belt and pulled out his cock from his trousers. I aint gay, but I have to say it was pretty impressive, about 7" I would say,. ”“He did, however, respect your father as he had at least stood up to him and he had never asked him for a cent. So he left his fortune to you, but you were not to receive his wealth or lands while your mother lived. He was a hard man.”Willow sat there quietly taking it all in. “What happens if I don’t want it?” she finally asked.“It goes to Beatrice. They have already tried to claim that because your grandfather had disowned your mother, it should be hers by right. But it was proven he had.
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