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You can't fuck her though, she doesn't like boys. She likes fingers though, and she uses my dildo sometimes too."Dana didn't look happy about this offer from Brenda. In fact, she looked pretty upset by it."I don't think Dana wants me doing that to her Brenda. Let's make Audrey eat Dana out instead. I'd like to see that."Dana's face was very red with embarrassment when I offered up that alternative. She didn't seem as opposed to that as she had been at the mention of me playing with her."Dana. I know it’s stupid.I know they hate me.Ceci doesn’t, I don’t think. She was just mad at me all the time.It was my fault she couldn’t have friends over.It was my fault my mom couldn’t drive her places because she had to stay home watching me.It was my fault her awesome older sister turned into a freak.I... I don’t want to go back, though.I don’t!I have a new home now!I couldn’t believe it when we got here after shopping.Your mom even opened the door and said it!She really said it!I thought I was. She hadn’t moved at all, still on all fours, spread open with her head down. I thought to myself, “she’s all in, zoned out… waiting.” “Are you okay baby?” I asked slightly smacking where she was moist. “Yes, oh goodness yes,” she replied in the sweetest of assuring tones. “Ok, well I’m going to make you feel really good okay sweetheart?” She cooed to me, “owwwww, yes sirrrrrrr.” I was very mellow and began rubbing her bottom softly while rubbing her clit with the mouth of the empty champagne. I gave his giant cock a sweet pussy massage. Our two naked bodies were melted against each other. We two got absolutely mad. After that I told him to recline his seat and move in the six-nine position started stroking his cock with my hand while sucking his cock. He too started sucking my cunt. Then suddenly without any warning, his body stiffened & before I could react, he ejaculated his semen in warm spurts which filled my mouth with its salty taste. I tried to pull back, but I felt his hand.
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