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"Raise your nightgown daughter." He would say. I pulled my nightgown up to my waist exposing my white panties to him. Then he reached over grabbing the elastic waist band of my panties. He then slowly rolled them down over my blonde pubic hair, down to my ankles exposing my young pussy to his gaze. Then he pulled me down to his lap. I would lay there with my bottom bared while he lectured me on what I was being punished for. Then his big hand started spanking my bare skin over and over again. Someone handed him a glass of beer, and he took a long swallow and gave the glass back."Show me your tits," he said to her.Martina promptly tore her dress open, revealing a pair of tiny, pear-shaped breasts with pointed nipples. Then she asked for a taste of beer and the gentleman who had provided a drink to John, offered her the same glass which she drained and then rubbed the condensation off the glass and onto her nipples.His cock lurched inside her and she giggled happily.It was the. I can't even believe in myself anymore. I've lost the desire to create and bring laughter to others. I can't bring myself to want anything, to hope or even love.I don't deserve love anyway, not even love for myself. I did a horrible thing to someone else and deserve to suffer for it. Coincidentally, I've found a perfect way to do that. Sexual humiliation has become something I am rather good at taking and being used has taken over any of my previous sexual preferences.Finding the men is easy. "I'll ... umm ... well I'll be bored."Natalie shook her head and groaned. "Honestly," she huffed and Adam picked up a DVD case. "Film?"Natalie groaned and waved her arms around. "I want to go out." Pub? We could go on the bike." Natalie waved her arms in a furious gesture. "Cinema?" To see what? That's nothin' worth seeing."Adam yawned and stretched "Clubbin'?" No, it's expensive," she moaned and then looked at him. "I just want a walk." A walk? It's pitch black and raining." Yeah, I know,".
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