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I felt a strong finger touch my thigh, and I gasped in surprise, while drawing my legs away from him. My eyes remained on the floor, and I started to doubt why I was here in the first place. “ Why so shy, child? Are you afraid I may bite you?”, the icy sarcasm in his voice made me shiver involuntarily. He laughed slightly at my shivers, and I blushed deeply. For the first time I lifted my eyes to admire his physique. He had a tan, the purest green eyes that sparkled with perversions, and very. Then I started to spank her with my hand. First lighter spanks, then harder and harder spanks. I always like to see a woman’s bottom turn nice and red, when I have finished her spanking. I was also spanking her all over her poor naughty bottom. From her upper thighs to the small of her back.“Stand up and take off that dress.” I said. “It’s getting in the way of your spanking.”Vivian answered with “Yes, Sir,” and then stood up and obediently, took off her dress.Now I could see Vivian’s nice and. But Michele snuck back in the building as soon as Jason was out of sight. She would go to the ladies heads and dig around in her handbag and pull out her makeup, lingerie and heels. She applied heavy makeup and lots of perfume and took off her ‘granny’ knickers and tights and slipped into sheer stockings, silky panties and suspender belt. She lubricated her back passage in anticipation that Knocker wouldn’t, then kicked off her work shoes and slipped into her high-heels.She did this not because. And Sarah is picking me up. Are you sure you want to drive?” I texted my father. He always had a thing about driving that long hitch. Something about being alone, though he’d probably meet some hussie half way for a wild excursion. I wonder where I got it from. “No, I’m driving in. I’ll be stopping at Michelle’s for the night, and then I’ll drive the remaining distance early in the morning.”Figured...I used to make these trips with him when I was younger. Back then, it was always a rush to get.
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