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The conversation came to a screeching halt as we finally acknowledged our impasse, but I commented on how nice it was to have a thoughtful discussion with her as we used to have. She agreed and we moved to the kitchen.We stood facing each other and feeling drawn, I put my arms around her, hugging her once more."I've missed you," I whispered and kissed her neck lightly."Me too," she said, one hand running up my neck to the back of my head.We stood like that for a moment before it slowly turned. They teased each other a lot.“I got tired of you leering at me,” she said, casually, running the comb through her hair. “You’re such a horn dog.”“Men,” snorted Lacey, taking her “sister’s” side.“It’s not our fault,” said Len. “It’s in our genes to appreciate women. And admit it, you ladies usually try to make yourselves attractive to the opposite sex.”“I didn’t,” said Lacey, without really thinking about it. “Not until I met Bob.”“True. I remember the first time I saw you. I thought you were a. She sought after the feeling, and then looked up at Kyle's face. It only lasted an instant – Kyle was back on his feet and offeringa hand to Charlie – and the feeling fled. The onlookers must have thoughther dazed as she accepted Kyle's hand and clambered to her feet. "Good match – I'd have you on my team any day – even if you area girl." "Thanks, you too. But I think I'll sit it out a bit, I'm a bit winded afterthat." With that Charlie retreated to the gathered crowd, and someone kindlyoffered. ’ He chuckled again. ‘As long as your wife doesn’t spend the whole weekend shooting daggers at you.’ ‘She won’t,’ Brad said with more confidence than he felt. ‘If she hasn’t already exploded all over me, she’s not going to. Besides, she used to like it when I took control, which is another reason why we’re here.’ ‘Well best of luck to you, we’ll be off then. We’re one campsite over, take a left down the road to get to us. Feel free to stop by at any time for questions or just a chat, I’m sure.
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