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She picked me up from my place and took me to a hotel. "get undressed and face the wall" I demanded "yes madame jay" she replied. As she followed my orders, I took off my pants and kept on my gray and black ruffled g-string and a black spaghetti shirt. I moved behind her slowly and wrapped my arm around her neck tightly. "if you look at me, you'll be punished" I warned "you have to earn the right to look at me" so my slut kept her eyes closed. I released her neck and took her hands and put. Get fucked in a public place and of course film the whole thing for him.I asked if toilets were ok, he agreed as long as said toilet was in somewhere busy.Well that settled it, the best place to go for that would be the Gay Village in town, so I arranged a night out with some friends and colleagues with the intention of splitting off towards the end of the night and heading to the village.That was the plan at least...A group of us met at a bar not too far from the village and got the drinks in. "With a resigned sigh and a shrug, Diane rose to her feet again and picked up the heavy bag of meal, slipping out of the wire gate to the bitch's kennel and moving toward the one dog that was left to feed. Wolf, the son of one of the three finest German Shepherd champions in the country, lived in solitary comfort with the biggest shelter and the longest run of the yard to accommodate his sleek, powerful body's need for exercise. Except at mating time, he was seldom allowed to run with the other. I licked my lips and got down on my knees and began to suck him on. The fear dissipated and all on my mind was pleasing this straight married man with my throat. His thick cock filled my mouth and I hungrily sucked him up, quickly at first, but then slowed down to let him feel what I could do. He was a moaner... a definitely plus for me. I worked my tongue all over his dick, but I really couldn't do everything I wanted with the time restraint. I pulled down on his hairy balls and messaged them.
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