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He had a mission and nothing was going to divert him from it. After collecting his bag from the baggage carousel he strode over to the car hire section and arranged for a car which he picked up on the top floor of the airport car park. Checking the address he pulled out into the bright Spanish sunshine and started the hour and a half long drive from Malaga to Marbella on the motorway that wound its way West. * Davy sat in the beach front café eating Calamari and drinking ice cold beer with the. “Hi Judy, you look different.” “Ah, OK Miss. Good.” “You can call me Nathalie if you wish, you know.” “All right then. I will - Nathalie. How are you?” “I’m fine thank you for asking. Are you ready then, jump in,” said Nathalie throwing her rucksack into the boot. Judy and Nathalie talked about life and holidays and normal stuff as they drove to the site on the border with Somerset. The normal teacher - student barrier felt like it had gone for Judy. She felt more equal, like two girls just. " I don't think she expected such blunt honesty from me, and she ad a look of surprise, which quickly grew to a look of lust. She said, timidly, "Well, I really want to know what you think, so do what you have to". Right before she finished, I leaned over, knowing what she was going to say and reached my right arm fully across her stomach to her side, and used my left arm, which I was propping myself up on to grab her other side and I slowly pulled her shirt above, going slowly enough to have. When you are deep in me you hold the leash tight so I cannot move away from you for another thrust. You remove your fingers from my arse and I feel a sting across my cheeks as you spank me hard. I flinch at the pain and this reverberates through my cunt as it momentarily spasms around your cock. You spank me again and pull the leash tighter. With your cock still deep in me I begin to feel a warm gushing wetness inside. I realise quickly that you are relieving yourself inside me - your bitter.
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