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.." Becky hesitated, unsure. Well hell, she did get her for more than one reason, didn't she? Chloe waited. Dang she was so cute. "Okay," she finally said, heading towards the bathroom. She went towards the shower door and Chloe reached out, opening it. She watched her look in, then turn the water on, finding the right temperature. Chloe turned back to her and she felt herself freeze as Chloe's hands moved to her shirt. She lifted slightly and she felt her own arms come up as Chloe pulled the. "I began to blush now and I could see a worried look on Brian's Face."Listen kids, it's OK with us if you explore your feelings for eachother, Janice and I sure have," Dad said and continued. "In fact I willgo ahead and spring our surprise on you now." What surprise is that dad?" I asked wondering."Janice and I have agreed to get you a Limousine for you and yourfriends to make your night more magical and fun." Really, your not are kidding us?" I said all giddy."No I'm not kidding; we have also. "I'm getting aprivate eye to follow them. You see, she's cheating on you. As well,and a hate saying this to you, but this is awful quick. I think sheknew him before this happened. Infidelity will look very bad on her.I've also received her tax records today-she's richer then you!"I interrupted with, "What to you mean?"She replied, "I think she hid money from you. I think she's been havingan affair on you. I plan to prove both points. Is that clear enough?" I mumbled, "Yes," and hung up.Over the. He asked her what i would say when I saw her shaved pussy when I got back and she said she sometimes shaved and would tell me it was for me. He laughed and told her she was a dirty little slut. She said she was really turned on when he called her a slut. He said he had shaved his balls last night so that she could lick them more easily and that he would tell his wife it was for her as well (he had obviously been confident). At the end of dinner she texted me to say she wouldn’t be home.They.
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