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They had drinks in the limo so we helped ourselves and just sat back and enjoyed the hour drive to the resort. The driver was very discrete about looking by I could see him taking a few looks. I am sure he had seen so many naked people that this was just part of his job. We arrived and were greeted by the staff and they took all of our things to our room they had already checked us in we just signed in our room, very nice. We decided to just go and walk around first thing and check the place. I was muffling and groaning with nonsensical protests against this utter violation of my mouth by a black mans cock. The humiliation was more than I could bear. I could only imagine Lisa's thoughts as she watched from above as his cock began to slide in and out of my mouth like it was a pussy. His hips began to sway back & forth as his cock sawed it's was in and out of my virgin mouth. Lisa kept a firm hand behind my head. I looked upward our eyes met.. I could see her breasts swaying. Try to make it last as long as you can. I'm gonna give you memories you'll never forget, Jack Davenport!" Clearly, this young man was in for a tit-sex workout, beyond his wildest imagination! His eyes returned to his lap ... and the visual image he'd mentally jacked to dozens of times. He was almost in shock ... seeing his obscenely long cock - just smashed and compressed between Laura's giant, gravity-defying tits!"Good God Almighty, Laura", he groaned "Holy shit, that's tight!" Laura was. I guess I'd better go and get cleaned up then? How are wegetting to Taylor's?" Yes, a tuxedo rental place named appropriately,Taylor's. I couldn't believe that I hadn't even consideredtransportation. "Is your mother home?" I hated to ask Aunt Alice for a ride, and if wehad to we could do it by bicycle, but getting the tux back home would bedifficult indeed. "She should be in the kitchen," he replied. Without another word I mademy way into the kitchen. Aunt Alice sat at the table staring.
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