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She begged, ‘Easy!’ but it was too late. I wanted her to feel every vein in my cock as I thrust my manhood deep inside her. I remember leaning back and looking at her and I don’t know if she was experiencing more pain or pleasure but she was not stopping me. I held her knees tighter and tighter to her body as my strokes became deeper and more passionate. After a while I thought about changing positions but I thought, nah I have all night for that. So I fucked her as hard as I could while she. I closed my eyes and opened my lips… I am feeling the hot air coming from his nose on my face. He rubbed his cheeks on my cheeks. I felt so teased, his mustaches are circling around my lips but he is not kissing. He is teasing me. I catch his mustache hair with my tongue and started biting the hair slowly. I am also not kissing him. We both smiled and enjoying that teasing game. I know with in seconds we will kiss, we cannot control ourselves like this…Then suddenly we heard some bus is coming. He went around and got behind the wheel . Mr. James reached over and pulled the seatbelt down, buckling me in as he did he put a hand on my thigh, he slowly worked it up until he felt the edge of my panties..“”i was hoping you were wearing stockings, but pantyhose can be sexy also “”””i was still shaking in fear in fear because I had no idea what I was going to have to do to get out of this , His comment sent another shiver up my spine and made me blush . It was just a few minutes until we. He wondered if she had been heading in the wrong direction. He looked over at her and found that she looked terror stricken.“What’s the matter?”“That guy walking towards us is Carl. He’s trouble.”Danny looked at the guy. He was muscle bound to the point where he couldn’t walk with his arms at his sides. His thighs looked like tree-trunks. He was lumbering from side to side since his legs couldn’t move naturally.“Why?” Danny asked.“I think he’s using Steroids. He thinks that I’m going to be his.
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