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" Katrina said slyly. "I will expect to be negotiating some sort of generous settlement in this regards as compensation for such negligance."Captain Luminae clenched his jaw. "The hearing will be soon and all discussion about such matters will be done then. I will send a shuttle out to get you should you wish to attend." And what about Aliya? Why is she not here?" Aliya is not here on orders from Doc. Both Vin and Aliya have been pulling double shifts for the past month and quite frankly they. I felt a peirced tongue against myquivering hips and pussy that could only be Tiffany's. I wriggled mytongue between her perfectly crafted pussy and soon had her shaking andcrying in pleasure.My cried and moans soon matched hers as Tiffany licked and suckled on mypussy. Closing my glistening thighs against her head, I held her thereuntil I was brought to another shuddering orgasm.Our erotic, lesbian show continued for at least another hour before ourclients time was up. He knew to be prompt and. Christina feverishly kissed Jen’s lower neck and chest while grabbing Jen’s breasts. She clearly knew what she wanted. Christina grabbed Jen’s hand and Marcos and led them both away from the dance floor. Christina walked first and Jen loved to see the sway of her ass with the athletic toned legs and the red bottoms of the Blahnik pumps. Christina led the three of them out to the dock. And over to the isolated part of the beach. Except a double king sized blanket had been laid. By now I was at the point where sense goes out of the window and lust takes over.With my cock in hand I lent forward an pushed it past Sarah's mouth rubbing it against Dawns opening, coating it with her juices I wanted, needed to fuck her. As my cock slid into Dawn, Sarah held her tongue against the underside of my cock licking it all the way up to my balls.With my hands now under Dawns hips I held her ass up a little allowing me to hold myself inside of her. Sarah was trying to suck my balls.
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