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He anxiously waited like this for what seemed like an eternity. The young woman could do nothing, in her state, to avoid her untimely death. Finally, after two minutes, she was gone. He picked her limp body and walked to his car, then placed her in the trunk.After reaching home, he placed her lifeless body on the table of his garage. Ideas jumped on his mind, left and right. "Just a school-girl", he thought to himself. Her white shirt, with the sexy tie to draw attention to her breasts, matched. I reminded her that he couldn't see a thing and that made her relax a bit more. "I'll get things started" I whispered to her and I told him to move his hand across the floor till he could feel her feet.As he touched her feet I could feel her tense up a little, so I pressed myself tight against her back, lifted her arms and put her hands on the back of my neck.I kissed her neck just under her and gently ran my fingers from the top of her thighs up the sides of her body, cupping and rubbing her. He thought his apology would be more favorably received if he didn't deliver it immediately. The discomfort served as a timer. When he couldn't take the feeling of his large cock throbbing against his clothing, he stood up and prepared to say he was sorry. "Meagan, can I make a formal apology to you for the accident?" The accident?" Meagan questioned. "That was more than an accident, that was a complete and total fucking semen soaked disaster! You spewed, I don't know, like twice as much as you. Why would Jenny have given them the money to send a troublemaker to her home town?Be fair, Mike thought. No one thought of Heather Sanford as a troublemaker until a month or so ago, when she'd revealed her true colors. When she first showed up in Spearfish Lake, she'd come like a gift from the heavens, bringing salvation. He hadn't had any idea she was a troublemaker when he'd written that story on her last summer.Jenny probably thought she was doing the right thing, Mike realized. That would.
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